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Updated: 2023-08-05

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Germany, Koblenz 2021

Home - Journeys - Germany, Koblenz 2021

Acquaintances, Ou and Joop, want to travel with us once a few days. They have no experience with our way of traveling, we book a hotel somewhere and we will see further, and they want to experience that once.
We think of Rouen in the west of France, or of Luxembourg city. But other acquaintances of us, Noi and Cedric have recently been to Koblenz and they are very enthusiastic about that trip. They think Koblenz is a beautiful city and the surroundings also are very beautiful.
It is only 300 km away. On the internet we find there is enough to see and to do in the area of Koblenz, we decide to go there for 4 nights. We are then 3 whole days in Koblenz, enough to look around in the city and the surroundings. We go by car, our car because it is the largest. And the period is determined by the holiday of Ou.

On the internet we look for hotels in Koblenz, in or very close to the center, with parking, and with good reviews. We opt for the City Hotel Kurfürst Balduin, there are still rooms available, and we book two rooms.

Link: Koblenz Verbindet.
Link: City Hotel Kurfürst Balduin.

Written on: 2021-10-11


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